About once a week or every other week, she vomits.
Diet suggestions? Something that might help prevent this?
Our long hair adult cat vomits sometimes. Any ideas/suggestions?
Stick to one diet, constant changes in the diet can severely upset her tummy. Also invest in a good pair of trimmers ( sheep shears from a feed store work best, they don't clog as much) a good shedding brush (can usually find them at pet-smart) and make sure to use hairball remedy (try wal-mart or pet-smart and follow directions). Long hair cats especially need to be groomed consistently, once or twice a day is actually best. Giving her a trim (no you do not have to shave the poor thing bald) especially on the belly will help with the hairballs. If she has a hairball that is deep in the intestines, can lead to some serious complications because it is blocking the bowels. Would also recommend talking to the vet to see if there is anything they would recommen you try. Make sure she also doesn't have worms at the same time too! Good luck, hopefully you and your poor baby feel better soon!
Our long hair adult cat vomits sometimes. Any ideas/suggestions?
Clean her hair more often. She vomits because her hair gets stuck in her throat when she licks her self.
Our long hair adult cat vomits sometimes. Any ideas/suggestions?
Hairball remedy in a squeeze tube. Just put some on her paw, she'll lick it up :-)
Our long hair adult cat vomits sometimes. Any ideas/suggestions?
She is most likely coughing up hairballs. Outside of the hairball remedy foods and such which can be very expensive. Brush her often and I have found that a little dab of butter on my cats nose once a week or so eliminates the puking them up. It coats their stomach and throats so they will pass through them rather than coughing them up.
Our long hair adult cat vomits sometimes. Any ideas/suggestions?
I am NOT a vet, however, if your cat is spitting up fur, it is probably having furballs. As cats age, they tend to have more frequent hairballs. One trick is to buy vaseline and let your cat lick it off your finger ( not too much, perhaps a teaspoon) This helps lubricate the cat's digestive tract and permits the hair to pass the other direction. Also, the pet store sells a hairball remedy product similar to vaseline. If your cat is just vomiting without any hairballs, it could be eating its food too quickly. Some cats don't regulate themselves and eat little amounts all day. One solution might be to put down smaller amounts of food throughout the day rather than one or two larger feedings. Good luck!
Our long hair adult cat vomits sometimes. Any ideas/suggestions?
Your long haired adult cat who vomits sometimes, is probably vomiting up hair-balls. The cat while grooming herself is taking in hair. There are a couple of things you can do to make your cat healthier and happier.
1. Feed her dry catfood that contains hairball treatment, hairballl medicine--it will say "hairball" on the package. Most of her food should be that kind of food. It will in time prevent the hairballs.
2 Cats with any Persian in them or any long haired cats or any fluffy cats can be healthier and happier if you can arrange to have them groomed (with a good close haircut) about once a year. Make it in the spring and they'll have a happier summer. The haircut will probably cost about $30.
If you're adopting a couple of kittens at the same time, and you're attracted to that cute fluffy look, think again if that fur will be a minus and not a plus tlo you later.
Our long hair adult cat vomits sometimes. Any ideas/suggestions?
don't put her on a diet but she might be eating grass so only let heer eat grass sometimes when thet eat grass the vomit so that could ne why take her to the vet to be shure.
Our long hair adult cat vomits sometimes. Any ideas/suggestions?
Try a teaspoon of mineral oil on it's dry food once a week. That's what always worked for my Grandmother and it's also worked for me in the past. I only have short haired cats now.
Our long hair adult cat vomits sometimes. Any ideas/suggestions?
food vomit or hairballs???
what food is the cat on??
if any from grocery store or Wal Mart - then the problem is the food - low quality, too much filler.. so the cat has to eat more - coupled with the fact that these lower quality foods put more fat into them to give the pet a glossy coat (because the glossy coat fools most owners into thinking the pet is on good food) so the cat has to eat more and therefore gets more fat - which is hard on the tummy and causes vomitting....
avoid foods with filler such as corn, soy, by-products (beaks feet feathers)
Our long hair adult cat vomits sometimes. Any ideas/suggestions?
Hair balls, comb her regurarly, And I believe there is a medicine for hairballs.
Our long hair adult cat vomits sometimes. Any ideas/suggestions?
The best thing to try is Vaseline (petroleum jelly). Some cats actually like it, and will lick a gob of it right off your finger. Otherwise, you gotta shove it in, and they'll eat it up. At the beginning, do every few days, then down to once a week - then you'll see the effect of it. You should also be grooming her, too, to rid her daily of excess fur falling out before she cleans herself and ingests more.
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