Her hair gets pretty dirty every day so she needs it washed at home and at the hairdressers. I don't usually have time to go home to wash it before the salon appointment after school and I work during the day and weekends are busy.
My 3yr old screams when her hair is washed a the salon. She screams at home as well. Any one have any ideas.?
This will sound extremely silly, but my mother taught me to tell the kids that there are little sea monkeys in their hair and that the sea monkeys are SO sad because they want a bath. It doesn't always work, but it's helped. We turn it into a game and make up stories about the sea monkeys.
I know that won't help in the salon and I'll probably catch a lot of grief for being so deceitful with my kids, but it's a lot more fun for both of us than the old way.
My 3yr old screams when her hair is washed a the salon. She screams at home as well. Any one have any ideas.?
Try to get it washed before you go--I always preferred my kids to do their screaming at home.*sigh*
Good luck.
My 3yr old screams when her hair is washed a the salon. She screams at home as well. Any one have any ideas.?
You can get these plastic rings that go around there head so water doesn't go in there eyes. My daughter used to be terrified of having her ahir washed so I started letting her wash my hair after a few times she started letting me wash hers (we did it together).
My 3yr old screams when her hair is washed a the salon. She screams at home as well. Any one have any ideas.?
Are you using the No Tears Johnson's Baby shampoo? Maybe she has a very sensitive scalp. Ask the pediatrician.
My 3yr old screams when her hair is washed a the salon. She screams at home as well. Any one have any ideas.?
Try ear plugs. Maybe she hates getting water in her ears, I do! Ask her which color she likes best, maybe letting her get involved will make her feel more in control of the situation. Also, make certain you are using "no tears" shampoo. Good luck!!
My 3yr old screams when her hair is washed a the salon. She screams at home as well. Any one have any ideas.?
You should tell her to listen or she will get a woopin' and if she doesn't listen, give her one. She is old enough to be yelled at and scollded. And if you don't have anytime just make time, And if you can't make time then get a good babysitter. Also you can give her a present if she is good and listens to you. Only if you want to.
My 3yr old screams when her hair is washed a the salon. She screams at home as well. Any one have any ideas.?
Some of the above answers are really good ideas. I would try some of them, however I just found myself a solution just this past week. I have a 19month old girl and she didn't like for me to rinse her hair, she started to help with the washing part several weeks ago, but I was still having problems with the rinsing. I was picking up a few toys the other day and saw her watering can for plants. (it was a cheap plastic one). I let her play with it while in the bath and used it to rinse her body off she thought it was the neatest thing so I went 1 more step and used it on her head, she thought it was funny. She knows that she uses that to water plants I think that's why she thought it was to cool to use it on herself. Just an idea, good luck with this it is never easy to find solutions for things like this.
My 3yr old screams when her hair is washed a the salon. She screams at home as well. Any one have any ideas.?
I let my son use a dry washcloth over his face, but that seemed to just drag the fear out longer. I eventually just started dumping it on his head and doing it quick and reminding him how it didn't hurt when it was done.
He still pulls away but at least he doesn't scream, and he's learning to wash his own hair (5yrs).
My 3yr old screams when her hair is washed a the salon. She screams at home as well. Any one have any ideas.?
My three year old son and my one year old daughter do the same thing. I feel like I am drowning them. It is not fun for either one of us. They struggle so much. I could use some ideas also, If you come up with a good one let me know. Janinebat@msn.com.
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