GNC has a supplement called "Ultra Nourishair" that makes the hair grow faster, you can read what's in it by googling it. Be warned these pills are HUGE and you have to take 2 a day.
Also ProCaps labs sells a "hair skin and nails" formula that does the same thing, supports hair growth and health, and is smaller and easier to swallow.
If you take only Biotin [sometimes known as "vitamin H" ] alone, make sure you take at least 2.5 milligrams or 2500 micrograms [the same thing] a day because thats' a good amount to take. I use the Nourishair supplement from GNC now and my hair is growing faster than it did, but it took about 6 to 8 weeks of daily use to see results
My hair grows really really slow, anyone have any ideas BESIDES pregnancy vitamins?
massage your scalp,only wash hair ever other day
My hair grows really really slow, anyone have any ideas BESIDES pregnancy vitamins?
Take Vitamin A. carrots, apricots, and multivitamins
My hair grows really really slow, anyone have any ideas BESIDES pregnancy vitamins?
Lack of adequate protein intake can slow down hair growth. Also lack of carbohydrate, though the protein thing is more common amongst women.
My hair grows really really slow, anyone have any ideas BESIDES pregnancy vitamins?
drink jello or take gelatin capsules
My hair grows really really slow, anyone have any ideas BESIDES pregnancy vitamins?
Everyones hair grows about the same span of time. What might make it look like it's not gorwing ast is if you have split ends..or dried out hair..or realy thick hair. That takes away from you being able to see that your hair is growing longer. The best way to have healthy hair is to eat properly..drink lots of water..and make sure your hair is well cared for,.
My hair grows really really slow, anyone have any ideas BESIDES pregnancy vitamins?
i know this sounds gross... but theres this product that they sell at walmart and its made from placenta that makes your hair grow and makes it smoother
My hair grows really really slow, anyone have any ideas BESIDES pregnancy vitamins?
Dr.Miracle's hair growth formula or Doo Grow
weird name i know
My hair grows really really slow, anyone have any ideas BESIDES pregnancy vitamins?
This may sound a bit odd but getting a regular trim (like half an inch) should help, then make sure that whenever you wash your hair, massage your scalp for about 5 minutes while conditioning. Also, coconut oil helps, makes your hair shiny too. MAssage in some coconut oil (once a month should do) on your hair and scalp an hour before you wash your hair. Rinse well though.
My hair grows really really slow, anyone have any ideas BESIDES pregnancy vitamins?
You need a proper hair care including hot oil massages.
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:Hair care/hot oil massages.
Read...Free Beauty tips on....natural and homemade methods to:
Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/
Henna on hair/Splitends/Oilyhair/Dryhair
Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness/eyebags
Free beauty tips on Makeup/Hairstyles %26amp; photo gallery/
hair highlighting/Weight loss etc...
My hair grows really really slow, anyone have any ideas BESIDES pregnancy vitamins?
Their is no way to make your hair grow faster
My hair grows really really slow, anyone have any ideas BESIDES pregnancy vitamins?
you hair,skin and nail is your result of your diet,but i say drink lots of water,wash your hair every 2 day and change your shampoo that helps too. my hair grows faster when i do these thinks or maybe it's all in my mind but it works for me.
My hair grows really really slow, anyone have any ideas BESIDES pregnancy vitamins?
who told you pregnacy vitamins? when your actually pregnant your hair can go either way, get stronger or weaker, same as your nails.... but anyway... regular trims, dont wash everyday, dont flood your hair with all sots of different products, and you should see an improvement, i also have treatments at the hairdresser everytime i trim, there only like $10 AU.
My hair grows really really slow, anyone have any ideas BESIDES pregnancy vitamins?
Take a women's multivitamin daily.
Increase blood flow to your scalp. Two ways - massage your scalp daily, and tug on your hair - gently, mind you. Grab a handful of hair near the roots, and pull just enough to feel a little release. It not only relieves stress all over - it helps with blood flow to the scalp.
Take care of your scalp by not using a metal bristle brush. Try one of the Goody Ouchless brushes - they feel really good, and they massage your scalp.
Hot oil massages don't always help your hair. Just massaging your scalp will increase blood flow. Full body massages are great - but they don't help your hair grow.
My hair grows really really slow, anyone have any ideas BESIDES pregnancy vitamins?
My friend is taking this stuff called Biotin (not sure on the spelling). Its a supplement. But her hair is growing like wild fire.
My hair grows really really slow, anyone have any ideas BESIDES pregnancy vitamins?
Vitamins for hair growth
Reduce Hair Loss With A Thorough Head Massage
My hair grows really really slow, anyone have any ideas BESIDES pregnancy vitamins?
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